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Stori Aberaeron Story
What is it?
The Aberaeron Story project was designed to raise awareness of Aberaeron’s heritage in the town, making it more visible and accessible to residents and visitors alike. We built mosaics, printed some of our extensive photograph collection, and made our extensive local history archives accessible to all.
Sadly a major part is temporarily homeless. Prior to its closure in 2021, we had a Heritage Bench in the Tourist Information Office. Hand painted by artist Lizzie Spikes, its two touch screens gave access to the materials on our website, photos of ships built in Aberaeron, and a game for all to play based on Aberaeron’s unique town plan. Safely in storage at the moment, we very much hope that a home will also soon be found for this in County Hall.
How was it funded?
The project was funded by grants of £46,400 from the Heritage Lottery Fund ‘Our Heritage’ programme, £6,000 from Ceredigion County Council’s Community Grant Scheme, a donation of £500 from Aberaeron Town Council, and a contribution of £4974 from the Society’s own funds. It was run by project officers Virginia Lowe and Rosemary Phillips on behalf of Cymdeithas Aberaeron Society.
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